Monday, April 25, 2011

Rule of Thirds

These photos were all taken with rule of thirds in mind.

This photo utilizes rule of thirds by having the subject in the right third and the bag in the left third of the photograph.

 This example of rule of thirds captures motion.  The chairs are falling in the upper third going horizontally. The subjects body is also separated into thirds as she falls.

 I like the way this photo uses rule of thirds because the three truck in the background are each in a different section. Then on top of that the women is running across, captured in the left section of the photo.

 This picture recreating Alice in wonderland is an example of rule of thirds. I like the way each character is layered in the photo and are each in a different section. There is no main focal point dead center in the photo.

 This photo uses rule of thirds horizontally and vertically. The skyline and wateer divide the photo into thirds. The subect of the photo is also in the right third of the photo.

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