Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Conveying a Message

This photo is showing gluttony, one of the seven deadly sins.  I was attracted to this photo because it uses different components to explain the message.

This photo is showing greed.  I was attracted to this photo because it shows the classic little girl not wanting to share her toys.

I like this photo showing competition because its a fun side that isnt always seen.  I like how the housewives are staring each other down as they go about their daily routines.  I also like ths use of bright colors.
I like this photo of the skaters because its shows alot of action.  I also like how the buildings are framing the boys and the boy watching in the background.

This photo is conveying the message of disorder as well as beauty.  Within all the messes surrounding the girl she still makes it a point to find the beauty in all of it.

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