Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lines in Photography

This photo is using the lines of a bridge to take your eyes directly to the subject.  I like this photo because of the sunset behind the subject and the way the lines lead you to him.

I like this photo because the lines on the houses and cars take you on a journey through the street.  I also like how the photo starts at the beginning and gradually moves farther and farther until you reach the end of the photo.

This photo utilizing lines is appealing to me beacause the lines instantly take you to the man on the bench.  I also like how the photo uses lines and shallow depth of field at the same time.

This photo uses the fence posts as lines that lead you to the lighthouse at the back of the photo.  This is intersting to me beacause the fence blurs into a continuous line.

This picture is appealing to me because it is fun and bright.  I like how the circular lines slowly spiral down around the person.

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