Tuesday, February 22, 2011

10 Photo Ideas

If I could take any ten photos they would be of...
  • A volleyball action shot where a hitter would go up for a kill.
    • Aperature- 2.8                  
    • Shutter Speed- 1/2000
  • A pan on the stove sizziling and bubbling, while a person is moving the pan.
    • Aperature- 5.6
    • Shutter Speed- 1/1000
  • A cup spilling its contents on the ground.
    • Aperature- 5.6
    • Shutter Speed- 1/2000
  • Waves crashing onto the sand at the beach during a sunrise.
    • Aperature- 5.6
    • Shutter Speed- 1/200
  • A little girl swinging in a crowded park.
    • Aperature- 16
    • Shutter Speed- 125
  • A Volleyball team celebrating a win after the final point.
    • Aperature- 5.6
    • Shutter Speed- 1/1000
  • A person jumping into a pool, and capturing the splash as it happens.
    • Aperature- 2.8
    • Shutter Speed- 1/2000
  • A group of young girls whispering secrets into each others ears.
    • Aperature- 5.6
    • Shutter Speed- 1/500
  • Jewlery being placed onto someones hands and wrists.
    • Aperature- 5.6
    • Shutter Speed- 1/500
  • The legs and feet of people in NYC walking through the city.
    • Aperature- 2.8
    • Shutter Speed- 1/2000

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