Wednesday, September 28, 2011

3200 Film

These photos are both examples of 3200 film. I chose these photos because not only do they utilize the 3200 film, they are also interesting. I can use these techniques in future photos because they demonstrate layers as well as framing. I like the way the grain looks in these photos. They add an extra piece to the photographs. I was only happy with one of my 3200 film photos. I liked my picture of the wheel because the grain added more detail to the wheel treads. My other 3200 film speed had bad lighting. If I shot another 3200 film photo I would make sure I was shooting in well lit areas. Some disadvantages of this film tyoe is the loss of detail depending on the grain size.


First Roll Reflection

My first roll was taken at school. I took photos of flowers, people, as well as the scenery. I liked this roll because there were many subjects that could be manipulated. The first two photographs I printed were of Emily. One was of her feet perched on a railing. Another was a portrait of her with trees in the background. Compositionally, I could have added more layers in each photo. Printing wise I could have done more dodging and burning to bring out the subject in the feet picture.