Thursday, June 2, 2011

Portrait Critique

I think my portrait photo is alright. If I could change anything I would straighten the horizon lines and make sure they didnt intersect the head. I would also burn in more around the subject.


I was attracted to this portrait because of the angles it was shot at. I also like how the eyes are a focus in the photo.

This photo makes an interesting portrait because the bride's face isnt seen. There is also dramatic lighting and framing from the window.

This portrait is intersting because it shows the man doing his job. I like how the photographer made sure he was the focus in the photo, and there weren't alot of distractions.

This portrait is intereeesting because it shows the man's personality. His eyes show alot of emotion.

This portrait of the little boy is appealing because it is light and fun. The boy is showing his own creativty. Lines are also used to draw your eyes to the boy.

I like this portrait because it shows the ruggedness of the subject. I like how the lines and wrinkles in his face are well defined as well as the lightining that makes him pop.

This portrait is interesting because it uses lighting and short depth of field as well as an interesting subject that makes the photograph.

This photo is interesting because it breaks the rule of thirds. It works though because the photo is virtually symmetrical.

This is an intersting portrait because it uses the rain as an added element. I like how the person's identity is a mystrey.

This is an interesting portrait because it shows the subject's personality. I like it because of the hands in the photo.